In addition to the 700 permanent residents cared for daily at Bat World Sanctuary, the following bats were rescued and released back to the wild (or were provided permanent sanctuary with us if they were not releasable). Also logged are the rescues we directly assisted with nationally and internationally. Click on the entry to see any photos or videos that are available.
A bat was spotted roosting in a homeowner’s attic in Smyrna, DE. The homeowner wanted the bat removed as his wife is afraid of bats. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located a bat trained rescuer in the finder’s area. The bat was transferred to a rescuer where he will […]
A bat was found on the third floor of an apartment complex in Lewisville, TX. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located a Bat World Sanctuary trained rescuer in the finder’s area. The bat was transferred to a rescuer where he will be assessed for hopeful release back to the […]
A bat was found hiding in a crevice at a workplace in Seattle WA. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located a bat trained rescuer in the finder’s area. The bat was transferred to a rescuer where he will be assessed for hopeful release back to the wild.
A small brown bat was found grounded in a garden outside of Clinton, Arkansas. The finders, believing the bat just needed a bit of help off the ground, attempted to place the bat into a tree to let him fly off. The next day, the bat was still there, so they gave us a call. […]
A bat was found with a torn wing membrane in Lizella, GA. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located a bat-trained rescuer in the finder’s area. The bat was transferred to a rescuer where he will be assessed for hopeful release back to the wild.
A very pregnant and very angry red bat found herself trapped in an apartment breezeway in Weatherford, TX. We rescued the bat, who was very anxious to be released so she was set free the same day.
Two baby red bats were found inside a homeowner’s garage in Richardson, TX. It appears that the mother bat flew into the garage, had her babies, then flew away. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the pups and located a Bat World Sanctuary trained rescuer in the finder’s area. The bats were transferred […]
A bat was found grounded outside a restaurant in McKinney, TX. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located a Bat World Sanctuary trained rescuer in the finder’s area. The bat was transferred to our rescuer where he will be assessed for hopeful release back to the wild.
A bat was found on a sidewalk at an apartment complex in Denton, TX. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located a Bat World Sanctuary trained rescuer in the finder’s area. The bat was transferred to our rescuer where he will be assessed for hopeful release back to the wild.
A bat was found on a walkway in Ohio Township, PA. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located a Bat World Sanctuary trained rescuer in the finder’s area. The bat was transferred to a rescuer where he will be assessed for hopeful release back to the wild.
4 newborn bat pups were found grounded inside of a gym in West Palm Beach, FL. With no colony in sight, we aren't sure how they wound up there, but the kind finders safely transferred them to a box and gave us a call. We helped the finders locate a trained rescuer, and they will […]
A bat was spotted flying through the showroom of a car dealership in Coquille, OR. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and as well as instructions on how to release the bat at nightfall after the sun has gone down, by taking the box outside, placing it up on something high, […]
A homeowner in Briarcliff, AR called after discovering a small colony of bats roosting under the siding of heir house. She was worried about the disease the bats would give to her pets. Before calling us she had called a pest control company who quoted $12,000 to exclude the bats. We explained the many benefits […]
A red bat was found grounded in front of a homeowners house in Manhattan, NY. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located a bat trained rescuer in the finder’s area. The bat was transferred to a rescuer where he will be assessed for hopeful release back to the wild.
A bat was trapped inside a building in Spooner, WI. The finder tried to let the bat go but she/he was unable to fly away. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located a bat trained rescuer in the finder’s area. The bat was transferred to a rescuer where he will […]
A bat was stuck on a homeowner’s awning in Tyner, KY. Thankfully, they were able to remove the bat without harming her using a net. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located a bat trained rescuer in the finder’s area. The bat was transferred to a rescuer where he will […]
A small brown bat was found hanging on the side of a house in Clover, South Carolina. Upon looking closer, the finder noticed the bat appeared to have a broken wing, so they gave us a call seeking further advice. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located several bat trained […]
A construction company was knocking down a chimney when they discovered bats roosting inside. Noticing that some of the bats appeared to be injured, they began calling different rescuers in an attempt to find help. After having little luck locally, they gave us a call. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bats […]
An Eastern red bat was found after being hit by a car in Broaddus, TX. Upon realizing the bat was injured, the driver contacted us immediately. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located a Bat World trained rescuer in the finder’s area. The bat was transferred to a rescuer where […]
A bat was found grounded in a home in Mineola, TX. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located several Bat World Sanctuary trained rescuers in the finder’s area. The bat was transferred to Bat World MidCities where he will be assessed for hopeful release back to the wild.
A university student in Pullman, Washington came upon a little bat that had been grounded on their lawn. They immediately gave us a call and left us a message. Wanting to get the bat prompt assistance, they also used our website to locate a local rescuer near them. The bat was transferred to the rescuer […]
A bat pup was found outside of a home in Cleveland, Ohio. Concerned neighbors helped to contain the pup and tried to release it at night fall, but because the bat was too young to fly, he did not leave the box overnight. The next morning they gave us a call, and we helped to […]
An evening bat was found grounded in Wills Point, TX with an apparent broken wing. The finder immediately called us hoping to find help for the little bat. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located several bat trained rescuers in the finder’s area. The bat was transferred to a rescuer […]
A bat was found grounded in Brownsville, Texas, so a concerned homeowner gave us a call. The caller explained the bat had been caught in a fly trap and appeared top be injured. Because it had fallen off and was unable to fly away, the man placed the little bat into a box with a […]
A caller from Columbia, Missouri was concerned about a bat that had been struggling to fly in her yard. The little brown bat was so thirsty from his struggle that she observed him attempting to drink from a flower pot. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located a bat trained […]
A bat in Craig, Alaska was discovered on the ground by someone moving a couple of old tires. Even after removing the tires, the bat remained grounded, so the finder decided to give us a call. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located a bat trained rescuer in the finder’s […]
An evening bat was discovered by a home owner after she opened a summer umbrella and found her roosting inside. She appeared to be healthy with no pups, so the finder gave us a call for assistance on what to do next. Evening bats are notorious for roosting in the folds of umbrellas and feel […]
A concerned home owner in Waterloo, Iowa gave us a call after noticing a big brown bat that had been roosting in the corner of his porch had not left in several days. The man gave us a call and explained his worries that the bat might have its foot caught on something, preventing it […]
A home owner discovered a bat inside of her home in Orange Park, Florida. She noticed the bat was hairless and smaller, so considering the possibility of it being a pup, she called us right away. She also could not rule out the possibility is that the little bat had not been caught by a […]
A small bat was found hiding under some debris in Rockwall, Texas. Unsure if the bat was okay or not, the finder called us right away. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located a bat world trained rescuer in the finder’s area. The bat was transferred to a rescuer where […]
A small colony with moms and pups was found in an attic by a cleaning company in Cloverdale, Oregon. Not wanting to disturb the animals, the cleaners informed the homeowner and ceased their work for the day. The homeowner gave us a call seeking advice. As this is confirmed to be a nursery colony, they […]
A big brown pup was found grounded beneath a bat house in Lookout Mountain, Georgia. Pups can fall from roosts for a variety of reasons, including overcrowding in the house, or high temperatures. We advised hanging screen the length of the roost and creating a pup catcher, as seen on this link, so that babies […]
A bat was found in a homeowner’s yard in Shelby, MI. Fortunately, the bat was in good shape and likely chased from a tree by a bird. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and as well as instructions on how to release the bat at nightfall after the sun has gone […]
An emaciated orphaned bat pup was found under a roost in Conroe. TX. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the baby and located a Bat World Sanctuary trained rescuer in the finder’s area. The baby was transferred to a rescuer where he/she will be hand-raised and released when old enough to survive.
An orphaned bat pup was found under a roost in Spring, TX. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the baby and located a Bat World Sanctuary trained rescuer in the finder’s area. The baby was transferred to a rescuer where he/she will be hand-raised and released when old enough to survive.
A shopper in Arlington, Texas came across a grounded Eastern red bat in the mall parking lot. Not knowing who to call, the finder called us hoping to help the little bat. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located a bat trained rescuer in the finder’s area. The bat was […]
A caller from Landis, North Carolina reached out to us for assistance with a baby bat they had found. They informed us that they had already safely contained the baby bat in a secure box. The baby was transferred to a rescuer where he/she will be hand-raised and released when old enough to survive.
A desperate home owner from Corinth, Texas gave us a call after discovering the family cat had caught a pregnant bat. She owner gave us a call. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the mother bat and located a bat trained rescuer in the finder’s area. She will receive supportive care until her […]
A passer-by in Weatherford, Texas happened across an adult Eastern red bat grounded at a local shopping center. After reaching out to us and sending us a photo, we provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and sent a transport volunteer right away. The bat was brought to us where he will be assessed […]
Two baby bats were discovered grounded on a farm in Cleburne, Tx. After realizing the babies had fallen from a bat house, and having no way to get them back in, the finder gave us a call. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the baby bats and located a bat trained rescuer in […]
A baby bat was found grounded in Conway, FL. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located a bat trained rescuer in the finder’s area. The baby was transferred to a rescuer where he/she will be hand-raised and released when old enough to survive.
A homeowner in Massillon, Ohio chased a feral cat away from an injured bat pup. Seeing the pup had sustained an injured wing, they gave us a call seeking advice. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located a bat trained rescuer in the finder’s area. The bat was transferred to […]
We were called regarding a bat pup found abandoned and grounded in Spring, Texas. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located a bat trained rescuer in the finder’s area. The baby was transferred to a rescuer where he/she will be hand-raised and released when old enough to survive.
A concerned passer-by in Los Angeles, California called and informed us of a baby bat they had found lying in the middle of the road. They stated the bat appeared to be hairless, very small, and possibly injured. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the baby bat and located a bat trained rescuer […]
A baby bat was found under a palm tree in Katy, TX. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located a Bat World Sanctuary trained rescuer in the finder’s area. The baby was transferred to a rescuer where he/she will be hand-raised and released when old enough to survive.
A red bat was found grounded in a homeowner’s driveway in Danielsville, GA. Thankfully the bat was uninjured and likely just chased from a tree by a blue jay or crow. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and as well as instructions on how to release the bat at nightfall after […]
Two evening bat pups were found grounded in Dallas, TX. They were rescued by Bat World MidCities where they will be hand-raised and released when old enough to survive.
A baby bat was found beneath a tree in Pace, FL. The finder waited a few hours to see if the mother bats would retrieve her pup but she did not. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located a bat trained rescuer in the finder’s area. The bat was transferred […]
A baby bat was found by a cleaning service in Alexandra, VA. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located a Bat World Sanctuary trained rescuer in the finder’s area. The baby was transferred to a rescuer where he/she will be hand-raised and released when old enough to survive.
A Seminole bat was found grounded with a broken wing in Crestview, FL. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located a bat trained rescuer in the finder’s area. The bat was transferred to a rescuer where he will be assessed for hopeful release back to the wild.
A free-tailed bat was found clinging to a homeowner’s lawn chair in Tallassee, FL. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located a bat trained rescuer in the finder’s area. The bat was transferred to a rescuer where he will be assessed for hopeful release back to the wild.
A baby bat was found in the parking lot of a daycare center in Dallas, TX. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located a Bat World Sanctuary trained rescuer in the finder’s area. The baby was transferred to a rescuer where he/she will be hand-raised and released when old enough […]
A baby evening bat was found by a homeowner’s door in San Antonio, TX. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located a bat trained rescuer in the finder’s area. The baby was transferred to a rescuer where he/she will be hand-raised and released when old enough to survive.
A baby bat was found grounded near Bowling Green, KY. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located a bat trained rescuer in the finder’s area. The baby was transferred to a rescuer where he/she will be hand-raised and released when old enough to survive.
A very thin baby bat was found in a shallow puddle of water in Springfield, MO. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located a bat trained rescuer in the finder’s area. The baby was transferred to a rescuer where he/she will be hand-raised and released when old enough to survive.
A mother red bat and her pups were found grounded in Williston, FL. The bats had likely been chased from a tree by a blue jay but were thankfully uninjured. We provided guidance as seen on this link on how to get the small family back into a tree. We also asked the caller to please let […]
A bat was found grounded with wing membrane damage underneath a tree in McAlister, OK. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located a bat trained rescuer in the finder’s area. The bat was transferred to a rescuer where he will be assessed for hopeful release back to the wild.
A very thin evening bat pup was found on a homeowner’s doorstep near Lafayette, LA. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located a bat trained rescuer in the finder’s area. The bat was transferred to a rescuer where he will be assessed for hopeful release back to the wild.
A bat flew into a homeowner's porch in Amarillo, Texas during a severe thunderstorm. Thankfully, she was uninjured and likely trying to find shelter from the rain and winds. The homeowner scooped her into a box to keep her safe and then contacted us. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and […]
A baby bat was found grounded in Hasa, Jordan. No rescuer was in the area, however, the finder was trained in veterinary work. We provided guidance as well as book chapters on caring for orphaned insectivorous bats, housing, nutrition and releasing pups back to the wild when ready.
A baby bat fell from an attic roost in Dalton, GA. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located a bat trained rescuer in the finder’s area. The baby was transferred to a rescuer where he/she will be hand-raised and released when old enough to survive. We also provided instructions on […]
A baby bat was found lying on the floor of a barn in Canton, Georgia. The concerned finder called us immediately. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located a bat trained rescuer in the finder’s area. The baby was transferred to a rescuer where he/she will be hand-raised and released […]
A baby bat in Houston, Texas was discovered lying in a homeowners driveway. Realizing the little bat was abandoned, the finder gave us a call. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located a bat trained rescuer in the finder’s area. The baby was transferred to a rescuer where he/she will […]
A concerned caller from Dallas, Texas had discovered and Eastern red bat on their lawn. Upon further inspection, they realized the bat appeared to be deceased, but had 3 little pups still clinging onto the mother. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bats and located several bat trained rescuers in the finder’s […]
A bat was found on the ground near Milwaukee, WI. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located a bat trained rescuer in the finder’s area. The bat was transferred to a rescuer where he will be assessed for hopeful release back to the wild.
A baby bat was found grounded in the downtown area of Mineral Wells, TX. She appears to be a first time mom and is having back issues, likely from the pup pressing on her spine. We will care for her and her baby until she is healed and the pup can fly. At that time […]
A bat appeared trapped in the breezeway of an apartment complex in Orlando, Florida. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located a bat trained rescuer in the finder’s area. The bat was transferred to a rescuer where he will be assessed for hopeful release back to the wild.
A bat was seen hanging on a wall for two days in Mansfield, TX. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located a Bat World Sanctuary trained rescuer in the finder’s area. The bat was transferred to a rescuer where he will be assessed for hopeful release back to the wild.
A baby bat was found on a homeowner's back porch in Dallas, TX. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located a Bat World Sanctuary trained rescuer in the finder’s area. The baby was transferred to our rescuer where he/she will be hand-raised and released when old enough to survive.
Five mothers and their pups chose to create a nursery colony in a homeowner’s patio umbrella in Plano, TX. Evening bats are notorious for roosting in the folds of umbrellas and feel very safe there. The homeowner decided to allow the small colony to stay until the pups can fly. At that time the umbrella […]
A tri-colored bat fell into a homeowner’s water fountain in Washington State. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located a bat trained rescuer in the finder’s area. The bat was transferred to a rescuer where he will be assessed for hopeful release back to the wild.
A bat was found in a homeowners yard in Little River, SC. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located a bat trained rescuer in the finder’s area. The bat was transferred to a rescuer where he will be assessed for hopeful release back to the wild.
Finder discovered a healthy juvenile bat in her yard. She was instructed by a veterinarian to put him in a bag and throw him away. Instead, she scooped him into a box and contacted Bat Word. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and connected her with a rehaber so that he […]
Finder in League City, TX, discovered a bat with a broken wing lying on the pavement. She scooped the bat into a box and called Bat World. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located a bat-trained rescuer nearest in the finder’s area. The bat was transferred to Houston where he […]
A bat was found grounded on a homeowner’s porch in Charlotte, NC. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located a bat-trained rescuer in the finder’s area. The bat was transferred to a rescuer where he will be assessed for hopeful release back to the wild.
A distressed home owner in San Deigo, California, had swatted a bat that was flying through the house into a trash can with a broom. Wanting to do the right thing, the home owner called us for help. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located a bat-trained rescuer in the […]
A home owner in Mico, TX called after discovering what appeared to be a baby bat in their back yard. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located a bat-trained rescuer in the finder’s area. The baby was transferred to a rescuer where he/she will be hand-raised and released when old […]
A home owner in Tampa, Florida called after discovering a little bat in their back yard. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located a bat-trained rescuer in the finder’s area. The bat was transferred to a rescuer where he will be assessed for hopeful release back to the wild.
After discovering bats that had fallen from their bat house in Aubrey, TX the finders gave us a call for assistance. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bats and located a bat-trained rescuer in the finder’s area. The bats were transferred to a rescuer where they will be assessed for hopeful release […]
A bat was found grounded and frantically trying to escape the hot pavement in the parking lot of a washitera in Houston, TX. The finders where determined to help the little bat, so they gave us a call. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located a bat-trained rescuer in the […]
A bat was found with what appeared to be an injured shoulder in New London, WI. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located a bat-trained rescuer in the finder’s area. The bat was transferred to a rescuer where he will be assessed for hopeful release back to the wild.
A baby bat was found in a homeowner’s basement in Whittemore, IA. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located a bat-trained rescuer in the finder’s area. The baby was transferred to a rescuer where he/she will be hand-raised and released when old enough to survive.
A baby bat was found on the side of a house in Lumberton, NC, and the homeowner then noticed there were several other baby bats on the ground near the roost that have died. Thankfully, the pup was in good shape and the homeowner was able to get the baby back into the roost. They […]
A homeowner in Tulsa, OK found a baby bat whose eyes weren't open yet, she was described as pink with a little bit of fuzz on top of her. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located a bat-trained rescuer in the finder’s area. The baby was transferred to a rescuer […]
A blue jay attacked and killed a red bat mother who had 4 babies clinging to her. The finder safely contained the pups and then called us. We provided contact info for a bat-trained rescuer in the finder’s area. The baby was transferred to a rescuer where the pups will be hand-raised and released when […]
An injured bat was found grounded in Belen, NM. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located a bat-trained rescuer in the finder’s area. The bat was transferred to a rescuer where he will be assessed for hopeful release back to the wild.
A very thin adult bat was found grounded in the UAE. The extreme heat wave in the area likely caused a lack of insects as well as heat exhaustion. No rescuers are available in the area so we provided guidance via email as well as book chapters on caring for bats in captivity. The bat […]
A baby bat was found at an apartment complex in Fort Worth, TX. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located a bat-trained rescuer in the finder’s area. The baby was transferred to a rescuer where he/she will be hand-raised and released when old enough to survive.
A bat was found struggling to get out of a pool in CT. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat as well as contact information for a Bat World Sanctuary trained rescuer in her area. We also gave information on Frog Logs, which can prevent small animals from drowning. The bat was […]
A homeowner found a bat in a bathtub of a home being renovated near Milwaukee, WI. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located a bat-trained rescuer in the finder’s area. The bat was transferred to a rescuer where he will be assessed for hopeful release back to the wild.
A mother red bat with 4 pups were found grounded in a yard in Niceville, FL. The bats had likely been chased from a tree by a blue jay. We provided guidance as seen on this link on how to get the small family back into a tree. We also asked the caller to please let us […]
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