The Largest Bat Sanctuary on Earth

Bat World Sanctuary is on the front line to end the mistreatment of bats. Each year we rescue hundreds of bats who might otherwise die. Lifetime sanctuary is given to non-releasable bats, including those that are orphaned, injured, and rescued from the exotic pet trade, zoos and research facilities. We are also involved in conservation efforts both locally and internationally. 

Bat World was founded in 1994 and is a 501c3 non-profit, accredited organization with the Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries.


Captain may be cruising into his golden years, but he’s still schooling his younger counterparts with ease! 😎

He’s got the brains, looks, and moves that would make even the most seasoned bats jealous! No treat puzzle stands a chance with this boy! 😁
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It's that time of year! 🦇

We have received many calls regarding Eastern red bats that are orphaned pups, grounded juveniles, or mothers being chased out of trees! As we progress further into pup season, these babies are learning how to fly and may end up injured or in places they shouldn't be. The Eastern red bats are often targeted by birds and will either drop babies when fleeing the roost, or mothers end up grounded due to the weight of her growing pups. 

Sometimes these bats are well enough to be placed back into a tree, however, you should always contact a rehabber first! Sending a photo of the bat to a rehabber allows us to see if the bat or bats are uninjured, healthy, and old enough to be placed back into a tree. Once they have confirmed the bat is okay, the rehabber will provide instructions on how to safely relocate her. And in the event that the little bat is not healthy enough, old enough, or is injured it is crucial to get them to a rescuer ASAP. 

Please follow the link down below to find a rehabber near you! Remember to never handle a bat bare-handed, and if you cannot find a rehabber near you, give us a call at 940-325-3404!
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Snack time! 

Get ready to start your weekend with a special visit from the Captain. He wanted to pop in and show off his incredible wings, and thank each of our dedicated supporters. Him and his bat pals will be enjoying their favorite melon snacks tonight, and getting ready for a fun filled weekend of napping, eating fresh fruit, and enjoying all of the enrichment the sanctuary has to offer, like challenges puzzles, toys, and hanging on their favorite plushies.  What are your weekend plans?
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Happy #BatBootyFriday

This bat booty belongs to one of the rescued juvenile Eastern red bats.  This little one has the fluffiest patootie of all. With all the flight practice that he has been working on, he has sure gained a very nice bat bod in the process! 🙂
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Introducing Gerald, a Mexican free-tail bat who was rescued from a local barber shop. Gerald was discovered in the shampoo sink in search of a new hairstyle, but in his quest for a fresh look, he became trapped and unable to escape. The barber shop contacted us for help, and upon our arrival, we found that Gerald was a juvenile bat in dire need of assistance. He was emaciated, severely dehydrated, and struggling to breathe after inhaling water from the sink. Our staff administered fluids on the spot and transported him back to the sanctuary for proper care. Gerald’s condition was critical upon arrival, but we weren’t going to give up on him. With oxygen, warmth, and antibiotics to prevent pneumonia, we slowly nursed him back to health and he began to show signs of improvement over the next few days. His fighting spirit was obvious, and like many of the bats here at the sanctuary, he refused to give up. 

Today, Gerald is thriving among his fellow bat companions. Once he is back to full strength, he will be released to rejoin his family in the wild. We have reminded him that if he’s ever looking for a new hairstyle again, to be a little bit more careful when choosing his next barber. 

Your donation is a lifeline for the bats in our care. It provides essential medical supplies, fresh food, and all the other necessities needed to give bats like Gerald the best possible chance of recovery. Without the support of incredible individuals like you, our work would not be possible. Every dollar you contribute has the power to transform the trajectory of a bat’s life, offering hope and healing where it is most needed.
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This month, Bat World Sanctuary and our affiliated satellite centers rescued 639 bats, the majority of which were starving orphaned pups. Our team fielded urgent calls from concerned citizens in 33 states, connecting them with their nearest bat rescuer. Additionally, we assisted with rescues in 8 different countries and offered advice on dozens of bat colonies roosting in homes and buildings. 

Through our efforts, we were able to provide a lifeline to these vulnerable creatures and educate the public on the importance of bat conservation. With your support, we can continue to make a difference in the lives of bats around the world. 🥰

A big thank you to Bat World Italy - Pronto Soccorso Pipistrelli OdV, Bat World MidCities, Bat World Bulgaria, and Fledermausrettung Österreich - Bat World Austria for all of their amazing work!
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This week's #TooCuteTuesday has been awarded to Waffles, the Eastern red bat juvenile! Waffles has mastered flying, and will likely be released this week. Please extend your best wishes to our little man! 🥰
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Edit: Please note that these are not something the general public can purchase for us, but we do so appreciate you guys trying! At this time, we are only looking for these tips. We do have alternatives already, these are just preferred. ❤️

Calling all eye doctors! 👁 👁 

For years, we have used these I/A silicone tips for feeding soft food to our bats, and they work perfectly. We supply them free of charge to bat rescuers across the US and internationally. We are hoping to have more donated, as from our understanding, these are a single-use item and are typically disposed of. If you are capable of collecting these and sending them our way, tips can be mailed to... 

Bat World Sanctuary
299 High Point Rd
Weatherford TX 76088
Please share and help us get the word out! 🥰
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Sponsorships help us provide food and medical supplies for the bats who cannot be released back into the wild. Symbolically adopt the bat of your choice by sending a one-time donation of $35.00 (and adopt a second bat for just $25!). A great educational tool, and the perfect gift for bat enthusiasts! Please note: This program supports the bats pictured below (who will live out their lives with us) as well as other bats in need. Bats are occasionally retired due to old age or illness, but otherwise remain in the program for anyone who wishes to support them.

Click on a photo to sponsor any bat below!


  • A personalized adoption certificate
  • A matted 5″ x 7″ glossy photo of your bat
  • Your bat’s personal story
  • A graphic representing the size of your bat
  • The natural history of the species
  • An online subscription to Night Flight News emails.
  • A bat rescue card.
  • A myths and facts card.
  • A beautiful bookmark




The Captain

Benger the Avenger

Little Ernie



Lil Drac


