Saving Fruit Bats in the Northeast

Every year, more and more fruit bats are needing rescue from laboratory research, irresponsible zoos that allow over-breeding, and the cruel exotic pet trade. Oftentimes, bats in the north must wait until the weather warms to be sent to our facility in Texas. Over time, we fear we may become oversaturated with fruit bat rescues. The best solution will be to provide rescued fruit bats a sanctuary in the north, much like Bat World Sanctuary. Therefore, we are partnering with the Pennsylvania Bat Rescue to build a flight area for rescued fruit bats in the Northeast. Over the years, PA Bat Rescue has acted as a waystation for fruit bats while they prepare for their trip to us in Texas, like precious Sarah, featured in the video below. With the construction of a flight area specifically for rescued fruit bats, they will be capable of offering permanent sanctuary to non-native bats in need, following our guidelines. For additional information on how you can help with this critical project please click here.