Rescue Log

In addition to the 700 permanent residents cared for daily at Bat World Sanctuary, the following bats were rescued and released back to the wild (or were provided permanent sanctuary with us if they were not releasable). Also logged are the rescues we directly assisted with nationally and internationally. Click on the entry to see any photos or videos that are available. 

Texas – bat on ceiling

A store manager found a bat hanging on the ceiling in Mineral Wells, TX, and called us for help. We’ve hydrated and evaluated the bat, and he will be released in our Bat Castle to return to the wild.    

Arizona – bat caught by cat

A woman’s cat caught a bat that had flown in through the open 2nd-floor patio door. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located several bat-trained rescuers in the finder’s area. She could not locate the bat on her patio but now knows how to safely contain him should he return. […]

Utah – bat bat found grounded

A bat was found grounded in Syracuse, UT. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located a bat-trained rescuer in the finder’s area. The bat was transferred to a rescuer where she will be assessed for hopeful release back to the wild.  

Texas – 5 juvenile bats found in boutique 

Five juvenile free-tailed bats were found trapped inside a boutique in Mineral Wells, TX. We rescued the bats, who were all thin and dehydrated. W@e will provide supportive care until the pups have gained weight and can fly well. Once that happens they will be released in out bat cast;e where they are free to […]

Kentucky – baby bat found grounded

A baby bat was found grounded in Paris, KY. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located a bat-trained rescuer in the finder’s area. The bat was transferred to a rescuer where she will be assessed for hopeful release back to the wild.  

Iowa – cat brought baby bat in house

A cat brought a baby bat into a homeowner’s house in Packwood, IA. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located a bat-trained rescuer in the finder’s area. The bat was transferred to a rescuer where she will be assessed for hopeful release back to the wild.

Ohio – bat found on house for two days

A bat was seen clinging on the side of a house in Cincinnati, OH and the finder finally decided to call us. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located a bat-trained rescuer in the finder’s area. The bat was transferred to a rescuer where she will be assessed for hopeful […]

Florida – bat at amusement park

A bat was found grounded at an amusement park in Brooksville, FL. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located a bat-trained rescuer in the finder’s area. The bat was transferred to a rescuer where she will be assessed for hopeful release back to the wild.  

New Jersey – bats found in sink

Two baby bats were found in a homeowner's sink in Morganville, NJ. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located a bat-trained rescuer in the finder’s area. The bat was transferred to a rescuer where she will be assessed for hopeful release back to the wild.    

Texas – 4 juvenile bats grounded in boutique

A local shop manager called us about 3 bats grounded in her boutique in Mineral Wells, TX. We provided information on how to safely contain the bats. We picked them up, hydrated them, and will evaluate them for eventual release back to the wild.

Utah – bat with injured wing in stairwell

A couple found a bat with an injured wing in the stairwell of their apartment. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located a bat-trained rescuer in the finder’s area. The bat was transferred to a rescuer where she will be assessed for hopeful release back to the wild.

Texas – juvenile bat on ceiling in boutique

A local shop manager called us about a bat on the ceiling in her boutique in Mineral Wells, TX. We went to her shop, secured the bat, hydrated him, and will evaluate him for eventual release back to the wild.