Rescue Log

In addition to the 700 permanent residents cared for daily at Bat World Sanctuary, the following bats were rescued and released back to the wild (or were provided permanent sanctuary with us if they were not releasable). Also logged are the rescues we directly assisted with nationally and internationally. Click on the entry to see any photos or videos that are available. 

Canada—bat found in sub-freezing weather—photo available

A bat was found in a homeowner’s back yard in the Niagara region of Canada where the temperature was minus 7 degrees. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located a bat trained rescuer in the finder’s area. The bat was transferred to a rescuer where he will be assessed for […]

Russia—bat with skin condition – photo available

A rescuer in Moscow, Russia contacted us needing help with a bat who developed a skin condition while in hibernation. We provided guidance via email as well as book chapters on hibernation and treating conditions of the skin. 

Malaysia—pregnant bat attacked by cat—photo available

A rescuer in Kuala Lumpur received a bat who was attached by a cat and left injured. While healing the bat gave birth to twins. The rescuer reached out to us for guidance. We provided book chapters on caring for lactating insectivorous bats, orphaned bat care (in the event the mom drop her pups) and […]

Croatia—baby bats falling to ground—photo available

A rescuer in Croatia contacted us after finding baby bats under a roost. They were unable to keep them alive for very long. We provided guidance a well as book chapters on caring for orphaned bats, treating injuries, readying them for flight training and then releasing pups back to the wild when they are ready. […]

Bulgaria—bats found in office—photo available

Several bats were found trapped in an office building in Sofia, Bulgaria. They were rescued by Bat World Bulgaria where they were thankfully found to be uninjured and not in terrible shape. Bat World Bulgaria rescued several more trapped bats from the same building. All of the bats will spend the winter receiving supportive care. […]

Bulgaria—bat found grounded—photo available

This beautiful Mediterranean bat was found grounded in Sofia, Bulgaria. His condition was so poor that it was apparent he had ben on the cold ground for some time. Thankfully he was spotted in time to save and Bat World Bulgaria was called. He will spend the winter receiving supportive care and then be released […]

Brazil—bat with torn tail membrane—photo available

An animal caregiver in Brazil received a free-tailed bat who was found grounded with a torn membrane. We provided guidance via email as well as book chapters on caring for bats in captivity until the membrane heals., which will take two to three months. After that he will be fine and can be returned to […]

Bulgaria—bat grounded with torn wing membrane—photo available

A bat was found grounded in Sofia, Bulgaria with a torn wing membrane in the middle of winter. She was weak and dehydrated but thankfully not critical. She was rescued by Bat World Bulgaria and would not have survived otherwise as she could not fly. Bat Wing membrane regenerates over time so she should make […]

Chili—bat found grounded

A free-tailed bat was found grounded by a biologist in Chili. We provided guidance via email as well as book chapters on caring for bats in captivity. The bat is not injured but looks thin and dehydrated. He should be able to gain strength with supportive care and then released back to the wild.

Vietnam—bat found with broken wing—photo available

 A juvenile bat was found in the street by an animal caregiver in Nha Trang, Vietnam. We provided guidance via email as well as book chapters on treating injuries as well as housing and nutritional info. He will be assessed after he heals for hopeful release back to the wild. 

Greece—bat found grounded—photo available

A bat was found grounded in Greece. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located a bat trained rescuer in the finder’s area. The bat was transferred to a rescuer where he will be assessed for hopeful release back to the wild. 

Bulgaria—starving bat found clinging to wall—photo available

A starving bat was found clinging to a wall in Sofia, Bulgaria. She was rescued by Bat World Bulgaria and found to be in critical condition. Thankfully he is uninjured and responding to treatment. It will take several weeks of supportive care to bring him up to speed before he can be released back to […]