Rescue Log

In addition to the 700 permanent residents cared for daily at Bat World Sanctuary, the following bats were rescued and released back to the wild (or were provided permanent sanctuary with us if they were not releasable). Also logged are the rescues we directly assisted with nationally and internationally. Click on the entry to see any photos or videos that are available. 

India- pup found grounded- photo available

A baby bat was found after falling through a hole in a ceiling in Nagpur, India. No rescuer was in the area, however, the finder could see the mother bat looking for her pup. We provided guidance on how to reunite the two, and the finder was able to get the pup back to its […]

Vietnam—baby bats found on curtains—photo available

Twin bat pups were found grounded in a Vietnam home. Mom dropped her babies and flew away. No rescuer was in the area, however, the finder was trained in veterinary work. We provided guidance a well as book chapters on caring for orphaned insectivorous bats, housing, nutrition and releasing pups back to the wild when […]

Philippines – fruit bat pup found grounded

A fruit bat pup was found grounded in the Philippines and brought to the local cat shelter. The rescue workers at the shelter were desperately seeking help but were unable to find any rescuers nearby. They contacted us, and thankfully as they were trained in animal care, we were able to provide information on how […]

Mexico – bat fell from roof – photo available

A very young bat was seen tumbling from a roof in San Bernardo, Mexico. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located a Bat World Sanctuary trained rescuer in the finder’s area. The bat was transferred to a rescuer where he will be assessed for hopeful release back to the wild.   […]

Malaysia- 2 bats found in backyard- photo available

Two insect bats were found grounded in a backyard dehydrated and hungry. Finder did not have a local rescuer and began to care for them herself. We gave her information on how to care for them and when to flight test before they are able to be released. 

Indonesia- bat found grounded on sidewalk

A very weak bat was found on the sidewalk in Indonesia. No rescuer was in the area, however, the finder was trained in veterinary work. We provided guidance as well as book chapters on caring for insectivorous bats, housing, nutrition and releasing back to the wild when the bat is ready. 

Thailand – injured flying fox – photo available

A veterinarian in Bangkok requested guidance on an injured flying fox who was brought to her for care. We provided treatment protocol for a wing injury as well as feeding and housing instructions so the bat can receive the care he needs. Unfortunately he is not releasable so he will receive lifetime care with the […]

Iran – bat found in yard – photo available

A bat was found grounded in a street in Iran. Thankfully the bat was uninjured and likely just chased from his roost by insects or a bird. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and then releasing him at nightfall after the sun has gone down, by taking the box outside, placing […]

Greece- bat found grounded – photo available

An emaciated bat was found unable to fly in Ochomenos, Greece. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located a wildlife sanctuary in the area. The bat was transferred to a rescuer where he will be assessed for hopeful release back to the wild. 

Iran – baby bat hanging on picture frame – photo available

A baby bat was found clinging to a picture frame in Tabriz, Iran. No rescuers are available in the area so we provided guidance via email as well as book chapters on caring for bats in captivity. The baby will be hand raised and released when she/he is old enough to survive on in the […]

Japan – Animal sanctuary need of help – photo available

An animal sanctuary in Japan contacted us for orphaned bat care information. We provided guidance as well as book chapters on caring for orphaned insectivorous bats, housing, nutrition and releasing pups back to the wild when they are ready.   

Spain – bat behind wooden fence – photo available

Spain - bat behind wooden fence - photo availableAn animal rescuer from Madrid, Spain contacted us about a bat hanging behind a wooden fence. The bat appeared healthy and uninjured but we advised taking him in for an exam to make sure he was okay. The rescuer contacted us back and said the bat was […]