
Psuedo Bat Sanctuaries

A sad but true fact is that pseudo animal sanctuaries are on the rise and pseudo bat sanctuaries are among the greatest offenders. This has become a growing concern for true

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Bats are Funny

Most of you reading this already know that bats are vital to the health of our planet as well as being exceptionally clean, highly intelligent and long-lived. However, you may

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Deer Spots New Critter Cam

Footage from Bat World Sanctuary’s new critter cam at new deer feeder (all items were recently donated). Images from the very first night also include rabbits, a bobcat, a possum

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Essence of Bats

What do bats smell like? We get this question a lot and it’s actually fun question to answer. Bats do have an odor but they don’t stink; in fact, their aromas range from pleasant to weird depending on the species and even their activities…

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The Bats still Poop on Christmas Day

At most animal sanctuaries, Christmas day is just like any other. Resident animals must be cared for and rescues still take place. That’s no exception at Bat World Sanctuary. The

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Rescuing Trapped Bats

Over the past week we have been much busier than usual rescuing bats that had become trapped in several businesses that occupy a downtown block in Mineral Wells, Texas. Many of

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The Michigan 90

The past three weeks have perhaps been among the most trying we have ever encountered. It started with the rescue of 90 fruit bats from the Organization for Bat Conservation

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In Loving Memory of David Naranjo

Our Hearts Are Broken…… We lost our shining star, David Naranjo, March 29, 2018 in a tragic car accident. It is impossible to express the pain we feel over the

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Worldwide Pest Control Entombs Bats to Slowly Die

We received a call from a concerned citizen about bats being sealed into their roosts with spray foam at the Sanctuary Lofts Apartments located in San Marcos, Texas. The bats were roosting in a seven story parking garage and they were being entombed alive by Worldwide Pest Control, Inc.

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