Rescue Log

In addition to the 700 permanent residents cared for daily at Bat World Sanctuary, the following bats were rescued and released back to the wild (or were provided permanent sanctuary with us if they were not releasable). Also logged are the rescues we directly assisted with nationally and internationally. Click on the entry to see any photos or videos that are available. 

Texas – bat found inside office

A concerned person found a bat at 2 o'clock in the morning in an office in Dallas, TX. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located a Bat World Sanctuary trained rescuer in the finder’s area. The bat was transferred to a rescuer where he/she will be assessed for hopeful release […]

Texas – bat found while dog walking

A bat was found on the ground in Dallas, TX by someone walking her dog. She used a doggie bag to rescue the bat and then called us. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located a bat-trained rescuer in the finder’s area. The bat was transferred to a rescuer where he/she […]

North Carolina – bat found in sink

A concerned women in Bailey, NC found a bat in the kitchen sink of her home. She reached out to Bat World Sanctuary for help. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located a bat-trained rescuer in the finder’s area. The bat was transferred to a rescuer where he/she will be […]

Kansas- bat found on cold floor

A worried lady called about a big brown bat that was found inside on a cold floor at her husband's work in Milford, Kansas. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located a bat-trained rescuer in the finder’s area. The bat was transferred to a rescuer where he/she will be assessed […]

Iowa- bat found in curtains

A lady in Alba, Iowa found a bat hanging on the curtains inside a house. It was to cold to release so the bat went to a near by rehabilitator. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located a bat-trained rescuer in the finder’s area. The bat was transferred to a […]

Nevada – bat on porch in rain

A bat was found in the rain on a homeowner’s porch in Las Vegas, NV. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located a bat-trained rescuer in the finder’s area. The bat was transferred to a rescuer where he/she will be assessed for hopeful release back to the wild.

Minnesota – cold bat found laying in snowy sidewalk

A caller from Waconia, MN had found a bat lying in the snow outside their home. It appeared that the little bat had fallen from somewhere under the rain gutter of the house. The finder quickly contained the bat and brought him in to get warm before giving us a call.  We provided guidance on […]

Texas – bat caught by cat

A bat in Arlington, TX was attacked by a cat in the late hours of the night. Thankfully, someone was still awake and noticed the cat playing with the very frightened bat. They took action quickly, and were able to safe the bat just in time, and he only suffered a broken wing. We provided […]

Texas – bat in yard

A concerned person found a bat in their yard in Frio, TX and called Bat World Sanctuary for help. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located a bat-trained rescuer in the finder’s area. The bat was transferred to a rescuer where he/she will be assessed for hopeful release back to […]

California – bat fell from gutter

A home owner in Wallace, CA found a little Mexican freetail bat that had falling from its roost under the house's gutters. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located a bat-trained rescuer in the finder’s area. The bat was transferred to a rescuer where he/she will be assessed for hopeful […]