Rescue Log

In addition to the 700 permanent residents cared for daily at Bat World Sanctuary, the following bats were rescued and released back to the wild (or were provided permanent sanctuary with us if they were not releasable). Also logged are the rescues we directly assisted with nationally and internationally. Click on the entry to see any photos or videos that are available. 

Oregon – hibernating bat disturbed

A hibernating bat was found after shutters were removed from a home in Greenport, Oregon. Concerned for the bats well-being, the homeowner immediately called us for help. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located a bat trained rescuer in the finder’s area. The bat was transferred to a rescuer where […]

Texas – red bat in parking lot – photo available

A red bat was found grounded in a parking lot in Fort Worth, Texas. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located several Bat World Sanctuary trained rescuers in the finder’s area. The bat was transferred to Bat World MidCities where he will be overwintered and then released in the spring […]

Arkansas- bat trapped in garage

A bat was found trapped in a garage in Little Rock, Arkansas. With cats nearby and temperatures dropping, the caller quickly called us for assistance. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located a bat trained rescuer in the finder’s area. The bat was transferred to a rescuer where he/she will […]

Indiana – bat found trapped on porch 

A small bat was awoken from hibernation after being found on an enclosed porch in Indianapolis, Indiana. The homeowner was very concerned for the bats well being, and immediately called us. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located a bat trained rescuer in the finder’s area. The bat was transferred […]

Texas – bat fell through ceiling – photo available

A bat fell through an office ceiling in Abilene, TX. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and sent a transport volunteer right away. The bat was brought to us where he was found to be, thankfully, uninjured. He will be overwintered and then released in the spring when the weather warms.

Texas – red bat found at apartment

A red bat was found grounded at an apartment complex in Fort Worth, TX.  A red bat was found grounded in a parking lot in Fort Worth, Texas.  We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located several Bat World Sanctuary trained rescuers in the finder’s area. The bat was transferred to […]

Ohio – bat on office wall outside

A bat was seen clinging to the bricks of an office in Minerva, OH for two days in cold weather. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located a bat trained rescuer in the finder’s area. The bat was transferred to a rescuer where he will be overwintered and then released […]

Texas – Seminole bat on window screen – photo available

A Seminole bat was found clinging to a homeowners window screen in Fort Worth, TX. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located several Bat World Sanctuary trained rescuers in the finder’s area. The bat was transferred to Bat World MidCities where he will be overwintered and then released in the […]

Kentucky – bat found at office

A bat was found grounded outside an office in Oklana, KY. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located a bat trained rescuer in the finder’s area. The bat was transferred to a rescuer where he will be assessed for hopeful release back to the wild.

Maryland – bat downed at campus

A bat was found on a sidewalk at a campus in Salisbury, MD. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located a bat trained rescuer in the finder’s area. The bat was transferred to a rescuer where he will be assessed for hopeful release back to the wild.

Texas – bat found at shopping mall

An evening bat was found lost inside a shopping mall in Fort Worth, TX. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located several Bat World Sanctuary trained rescuers in the finder’s area. The bat was transferred to Bat World MidCities where she appears to have a respiratory infection. She is receiving […]

Georgia – bat in Woodpile

A bat was found in a woodpile in Plainview, GA and may have been injured when the wood was being moved. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located a bat trained rescuer in the finder’s area. The bat was transferred to a rescuer where he will be assessed for hopeful […]