Rescue Log

In addition to the 700 permanent residents cared for daily at Bat World Sanctuary, the following bats were rescued and released back to the wild (or were provided permanent sanctuary with us if they were not releasable). Also logged are the rescues we directly assisted with nationally and internationally. Click on the entry to see any photos or videos that are available. 

Florida – baby bat found grounded

A baby bat was found grounded in Conway, FL. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located a bat trained rescuer in the finder’s area. The baby was transferred to a rescuer where he/she will be hand-raised and released when old enough to survive.

Ohio- bat pup caught by a cat

A homeowner in Massillon, Ohio chased a feral cat away from an injured bat pup. Seeing the pup had sustained an injured wing, they gave us a call seeking advice. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located a bat trained rescuer in the finder’s area. The bat was transferred to […]

Texas- bat pup found abandonded

We were called regarding a bat pup found abandoned and grounded in Spring, Texas. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located a bat trained rescuer in the finder’s area. The baby was transferred to a rescuer where he/she will be hand-raised and released when old enough to survive.

California – bat pup found in road

A concerned passer-by in Los Angeles, California called and informed us of a baby bat they had found lying in the middle of the road. They stated the bat appeared to be hairless, very small, and possibly injured. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the baby bat and located a bat trained rescuer […]

Texas – baby bat found under palm tree

A baby bat was found under a palm tree in Katy, TX. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located a Bat World Sanctuary trained rescuer in the finder’s area. The baby was transferred to a rescuer where he/she will be hand-raised and released when old enough to survive.  

Georgia – red bat grounded in driveway

A red bat was found grounded in a homeowner’s driveway in Danielsville, GA. Thankfully the bat was uninjured and likely just chased from a tree by a blue jay or crow. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and as well as instructions on how to release the bat at nightfall after […]

Texas – two evening bat orphans rescued

Two evening bat pups were found grounded in Dallas, TX. They were rescued by Bat World MidCities where they will be hand-raised and released when old enough to survive.

Florida – baby bat found beneath a tree

A baby bat was found beneath a tree in Pace, FL. The finder waited a few hours to see if the mother bats would retrieve her pup but she did not. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located a bat trained rescuer in the finder’s area. The bat was transferred […]

Virginia – baby bat found at apartments

A baby bat was found by a cleaning service in Alexandra, VA. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located a Bat World Sanctuary trained rescuer in the finder’s area. The baby was transferred to a rescuer where he/she will be hand-raised and released when old enough to survive.  

Florida – Seminole bat with injured wing 

A Seminole bat was found grounded with a broken wing in Crestview, FL. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located a bat trained rescuer in the finder’s area. The bat was transferred to a rescuer where he will be assessed for hopeful release back to the wild.  

Florida – free-tailed bat found on lawn chair – photo available

A free-tailed bat was found clinging to a homeowner’s lawn chair in Tallassee, FL. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located a bat trained rescuer in the finder’s area. The bat was transferred to a rescuer where he will be assessed for hopeful release back to the wild.

Texas – baby bat found at daycare

A baby bat was found in the parking lot of a daycare center in Dallas, TX. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located a Bat World Sanctuary trained rescuer in the finder’s area. The baby was transferred to a rescuer where he/she will be hand-raised and released when old enough […]