Rescue Log

In addition to the 700 permanent residents cared for daily at Bat World Sanctuary, the following bats were rescued and released back to the wild (or were provided permanent sanctuary with us if they were not releasable). Also logged are the rescues we directly assisted with nationally and internationally. Click on the entry to see any photos or videos that are available. 

Bulgaria – bat found grounded – photo available

A pipistrelle bat was found grounded in Sofia, Bulgaria. He was rescued by Bat World Bulgaria where he was found to be weak and dehydrated. He will receive supportive care throughout the winter and then be released in the spring when the weather is warmer.

Japan – six fruit bats rescued – photo available

Six Egyptian fruit bats were rescued from the cruel exotic pet trade via Bat World Japan. Four were used as breeding stock and two, a mom and baby, were being sold into the pet trade by a buyer who said the other bats he had purchased had died. These bats will now be given lifetime […]

Bulgaria – bat delivered in Christmas box – photo available

A Mediterranean bat was found grounded in Sofia, Bulgaria. She was scooped into a Christmas box by the finder who then transported the bat to Bat World Bulgaria. Thankfully the bat is in good shape but it’s too cold to release her so she will be overwintered with Bat World Bulgaria until the weather warms […]

Bulgaria – 17 bats rescued – photo available

Seventeen bats were rescued by Bat World Bulgaria (BWB)  in Sofia, Bulgaria after they mistakenly entered an administrative building looking for a safe roost. After several days of being lost inside they became dehydrated and traumatized. They are now fully hydrated and will spend the winter in care with BWB and then released in the […]

Africa – three orphaned bats found under roost – photo available

Three orphaned bat pups were rescued from under a bat roost that had been destroyed in Namibia, Africa. We provided guidance on raising orphaned insectivorous bats as well as book chapters housing, nutrition and release. With proper care the pups should b e releasable once they are old enough to survive on their own in […]

Japan – three fruit bats rescued – photo available

Three fruit bats ware rescued in Toyoko Bat World Japan. These bats, as well as a dozen already rescued, are safe now from they horrible life they once had. They were on display in a "Pet Café" with large owls along all walls that saw them as prey . This is a  a disturbing trend […]