Texas – Eastern red bat and pups found grounded
A homeowner in Dallas, TX found a mama and three baby bats lying on the ground. The mom wasn't moving, so the individual went to the Bat World Sanctuary website […]
New Jersey – baby bat found with deceased roost mates
A man in Atlanta Canyons, NJ , found a baby bat on the ground in a pile of 4 deceased bats. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the […]
Texas – three baby bats found on a bush
A man in Whitehouse, TX, found three baby bats on a bush, most likely orphaned. They were dehydrated and emaciated. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bats […]
Kansas – 2 baby bats found on ground
A homeowner in Overland Park, KS, found 2 baby bats found on ground outside on his front porch. The baby bats were orphaned and very dehydrated. One of the baby […]
Texas – bat found outside in yard
A man in Conroe, TX found a bat outside in his front yard, he let the bat stay overnight and monitored him. In the morning he came back out and […]
Wisconsin – bat found in upstairs room
A homeowner in Green bay, WI, found a bat in her upstairs guest room, the bat was uninjured and likely trapped but was severely dehydrated. We provided guidance on how […]
Texas – Eastern red mamma and pups found on ground
A bystander in Bowie, TX found a healthy Eastern red bat mother and her pups grounded. The bats had likely been chased from a tree by a blue jay. We […]