North Carolina – baby bat found grounded
A baby bat was found on the ground in Woodbine, NC. The finders called a rehab center who told them to just "leave the baby on the ground so mom […]
Indiana – Bat caught in house
A bat was found in a house in Indianapolis, IN. We provided guidance on how to safely contain the bat and located a bat-trained rescuer in the finder’s area. The […]
South Dakota- bat found in garage
An emaciated bat was found grounded in a homeowners garage in Rapid City, South Dakota. The homeowner, concerned for the bats welfare, gave us a call hoping we could help. […]
Arizona- bat pup falls onto moving car
A young Mexican free-tail pup fell from her roost and landed onto the hood of a car driving beneath in Kingman, Arizona. Unable to find a local rescuer, the finder […]
Texas- young bat found in bathroom sink
A juvenile Mexican free-tail bat was found cowering in a homeowners bathroom sink in Mineral Wells, Texas. The homeowners closed off the bathroom and immediately gave us a call, and […]
Colorado- brown bat found in yard
A little brown bat was found on a patio table in Longmont, Colorado. Unable to fly, the little one sat and waited for help. The homeowner, being a bat lover […]