Bats in Patio Umbrellas

Bats are notorious for using folded patio umbrellas as a roost. Evening bats in particular love to snuggle into in the folds. Umbrellas are preferred by not only individual bats but also by mother bats looking for a nice spot to set up a nursery colony to raise their young. There are options available on making the bats move or letting them stay, depending on how many bats are in the umbrella as well as the time of year. It is important to note that baby season runs from early May to late August. Disturbing a nursery colony during that time will result in mother bats fearing for their lives and abandoning the pups, who will likely die even if a rescuer is called.


Here are suggestions on how to best deal with a bat or bats in your folded umbrellas: 

  1. If there is only one or two bats, opening the umbrella at night will encourage the bat to move to a more suitable roost. Note that bats will not fly out in cool/cold weather. They will instead go into torpor (semi-hibernation) and will therefore be unable to fly. If flying insects are present, then it is okay to open the umbrella. After the bats have left, be sure to leave the umbrella open (or move it into storage) so the bats do not return to and start using it again.
  2. Leave the folded umbrella alone and purchase another umbrella to use for yourself. This option keeps your yard almost free of insect pests like mosquitoes! If you are lucky enough to have a nursery colony in your umbrella, and children or pets are in the vicinity, then please pet proof the immediate area around the umbrella. Also, educate children to let you know if a bat is seen in distress (and of course to never touch the bat!)
  3.  Buy or construct a bat house and mount it in close proximity to the umbrella. If possible, move the umbrella a few feet at a time each day until you are within a foot or so of the bat house. Then, open the umbrella after the bat has left for the night and move it to a preferred location, leaving it open. With luck, the bat will find the bat house when he returns in the morning.

NEVER open the umbrella during the day as that will cause considerable stress to the bats. They may then fly out and become food for local wild predators looking for a quick meal!

Bats are gentle, sweet animals and vital to a healthy ecosystem. However, when they are afraid they may bite in self-defense. Never handle a bat with bate hands. Instead, use a cloth or glove (or both) to rescue a bat in distress. This video shows how to safely contain a bat. To find a rescuer in your location, click here, or give us a call at 940-325-3404 and we will be happy to help!