Dear Bat World Sanctuary Supporter,
During August we assisted with 63 rescues across the US and one in Tunisia. One of our most notable rescues is named Trooper (story below). As the summer baby season is coming to a close, we are now preparing for migrating bats who often need rescue this time of the year. Please keep reading to see what else we’ve been up to this month!

Trooper is a juvenile Mexican free-tail bat who had a bit of a rough start in life. He somehow sustained a wing injury as a young pup, likely in the roost where he was born. The bones of a baby bat’s wing are incredibly soft. When a bat roost is in an older building made of bricks or sandstone, their tiny fingers can easily become caught and injured. This is the case with Trooper, who somehow lost the majority of his wing fingers after he was born (photo of the healed injury below). As luck would have it, he had an excellent mom who fed and nurtured him until he was healed, but then it came time for him to leave the roost and fly. That’s when he found himself in deep trouble. He fell to the ground, unsure of where else to go and unable to return to his family, Trooper began crawling across the pavement searching for a safe place to hide. He was eventually spotted outside of a local church, and the finders immediately called us. We aren’t sure exactly how far little Trooper traveled, but we do know that the nearest bat colony is blocks away through a busy downtown area. Somehow little Trooper managed to avoid traffic while crossing roads and also avoid the feral cat population in the area. Trooper is a very lucky little bat.
Upon arrival, we discovered that Trooper was suffering from dehydration and starvation, but thankfully had not further injured himself on his trek. After an injection of warmed fluids, Trooper was feeling well enough to eat and get cleaned up. He quickly took to the other bats in care, and cuddled up with fellow juvenile bats. Trooper will be a permanent resident due to his injury, but we are hopeful that one day he may be able to make use of the flight enclosure to some extent, even if we have to help him back up each time he tries to fly!
On trash day in our nearby town of Mineral Wells, TX, an unsuspecting homeowner was fulfilling his weekly chore of putting his trash bin out by the curb for pickup. Little did he know that his average morning was about to get a lot more interesting because upon looking down at the ground he found the most beautiful little Mexican free-tail bat looking right back up at him. “Please, wing-less giant… please don’t step on me”, thought the little free-tailed bat. The man called his two kind adult daughters to take a look at this wonderous find. Thankfully, they knew exactly how to handle this situation. Without wasting a second, the two daughters worked together to call Bat World Sanctuary and gather the bat into a box so that she was safe from predators, the elements, and other humans. They named her Emmy.
It turns out that Emmy just needed a little bit of extra food and hydration to get her back up to speed. With recent drought conditions, it’s been tough out there for our wild native bats. Less rain means less bugs, and less bugs just means there is less food to eat for our batty friends. Just lately, we finally had a few good rain showers to supplement the insect supply so we know that Emmy will be a-okay. Watch her release video below!
The video below includes Emmy, mentioned above, and two other bats being released into our bat castle, a safe release site that allows the bats to leave at will come nightfall. As you watch these rescued bats take their freedom flight, please remember, we couldn’t do this work in getting these bats back where they belong without kind-hearted people like you.
Please enjoy this wonderful article written by Lis, an amazing woman who is volunteering with BWS for a solid year! Lis is a fantastic writer and we looking forward to reading more of her adventures both here and wherever the river takes her. Click here to read A Five Foot Wing Span and 72 Bananas.Bat World – A Volunteer’s Perspective
This past summer was one of the driest in recent history. The lack of rainfall caused a loss of insects for bats, caused ponds to dry up, the ground to crack, and grass to turn brown. Additionally, wildfires were a constant danger not only to wild animals, but also to our facility. Fires began springing up all around us. One even sparked from a glass bottle laying in the grass. With special thanks to Lynn Hochstetter, we purchased a Barricade fire gel system a few years ago. The system is designed to coat buildings and surrounding vegetation with a fireproof gel that is nontoxic and biodegradable. The video below is one of several fire drills we held this summer in preparation for a wildfire on our property. This video was originally made to share with other animal sanctuaries but we thought you’d like to see it. ☺
North Texas Giving Day is September 22nd. This year we are trying to raise the funds for an Addressable Fire Alarm system that will enable us to pinpoint a fire that may start inside the facility. Early Giving is available now, however, please stay tuned for more on this as Giving Day approaches.
As always, thank you for your incredible support! We could not save these precious beings without you. ♥
Bat World Sanctuary