
A Day With The Insect Bats

Caring for microbats can be very, very different than caring for megabats. The latter can be small, but the former are tiny.  Further along that line, for the most part

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The First Visit

It’s different once you’re used to them, once your eyes learn to pick them out of the darkness, but when you’re stepping into the dimly lit enclosure for the first

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My name is Mitch Gilley, and with this blog I hope to get you all acquainted with the daily workings of Bat World Sanctuary along with me. While I’ve written

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March 2006 – April 11, 2016 Daffodil, a street rescue that came to us in 2006 with an embedded collar, passed away on April 11th, 2016 from a tumor that

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Happy Bat Appreciation Day!

Thank you, wonderful bat people, for supporting our rescue efforts for the most underappreciated mammal on earth! Please enjoy a few of  our most recent videos 🙂 Fruit Bats play

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Bat World Sanctuary earns GFAS Accreditation

After an intensive application process that included transparency on finances, budgets, long-term goals, policies, employees, operating procedures, oversight, veterinary care, budgets, emergency protocols and contingency plans, we are proud to say that we are now accredited with the prestigious Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries.

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The Houston Five

By Amanda Lollar, Founder & President On February 3rd, 2016, around 10pm, I was just wrapping up the day when I saw a plea for help on our Facebook page

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