We had a new addition to the sanctuary this month!
One of our most recent rescues included a number of pregnant females. Early last week, staff came across an infant short tailed fruit bat pup hanging all alone in our flight enclosure. He was cold, with no mother in sight. New mothers, entering a sanctuary environment, do not realize their life has taken a huge turn for the better and they sometimes abandon their pups due to stress. A caretaker immediately rushed the baby into the clinic and warmed him in an incubator.
This little pup has been named “Scrumpy” by staff, and is currently being hand-raised. He is now about two weeks old, and is doing wonderfully with our caregivers. Once he is old enough to fly we will slowly reintroduce him to his colony, where he will receive lifetime sanctuary with others of his kind in an expansive indoor-outdoor flight enclosure.
On April 10th and April 11th, 2024, Amanda Lollar, Founder and President of Bat World Sanctuary, was invited to speak on two separate topics at the first ever USDA Bat Welfare Symposium: Bats 101 and Bat Welfare and Population Management. PLEASE NOTE: USDA has redacted some portions of our presentations for viewing on their site. In particular, sections exposing the names of roadside zoos and unscrupulous pet trade dealers. The unredacted versions of our presentations are available on this link.
We’ve begun a very exciting project this month – one that will be massively beneficial for bats all across the world! We have officially began construction on the Bat World classroom, where we will be able to host educational programs for the public, rehabilitation training classes for wildlife care professionals, and much more. In choosing the site, we were careful to avoid areas regularly used by the wildlife on our land, such as deer resting areas and raccoon trails.
Although we are only in the beginning stages of the project, we are so excited to have this opportunity to further our bat outreach, and to train even more bat rescuers from across the globe. To help us fund this critical project, which will also host interns from around the world, we have been offered a very generous matching grant of $75,000, which is a massive help to completing the classroom! Please click here to help us reach this goal!